precision of energy

The Subtle Precision of Energies

January 06, 20241 min read

The Subtle Precision of Energies

Just a quick thought for today as I am reading Biblical Scripture, which is a recent hobby that I have taken an interest in to read between the lines, so to speak, and reap the subtle esoteric knowledge woven throughout. The Bible is actually a powerful metaphysical manual when it isn't being used to control the masses via the misinterpretation of institutionalized religion. I digress...

The energy of "being now" is different than the energy of "pursuit of being." In the pursuit of the thing, it will always be just out of our reach until we switch our belief from "I am pursuing" to "I am being." Only "being the thing, or "I am being," will establish it as a reality.

Job 22:28 "Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."

In other words, whatever you believe to be true (or decree in your consciousness, which is cause of all) will be established in the physical man(ifestations) as a result, and your beliefs about yourself and the world will be illuminated for all to see.

Therefore, simply look at a wo/man's life, health, and relationships and you'll see clearly his/her core beliefs and self imposed limitations.

Life happens through you, not to you.

To your energetic mastery,


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Dannica Lowery

Dannica is the Creator of Somævolve®, Somafluent™, and Good Medicine Movement.

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precision of energy

The Subtle Precision of Energies

January 06, 20241 min read

The Subtle Precision of Energies

Just a quick thought for today as I am reading Biblical Scripture, which is a recent hobby that I have taken an interest in to read between the lines, so to speak, and reap the subtle esoteric knowledge woven throughout. The Bible is actually a powerful metaphysical manual when it isn't being used to control the masses via the misinterpretation of institutionalized religion. I digress...

The energy of "being now" is different than the energy of "pursuit of being." In the pursuit of the thing, it will always be just out of our reach until we switch our belief from "I am pursuing" to "I am being." Only "being the thing, or "I am being," will establish it as a reality.

Job 22:28 "Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways."

In other words, whatever you believe to be true (or decree in your consciousness, which is cause of all) will be established in the physical man(ifestations) as a result, and your beliefs about yourself and the world will be illuminated for all to see.

Therefore, simply look at a wo/man's life, health, and relationships and you'll see clearly his/her core beliefs and self imposed limitations.

Life happens through you, not to you.

To your energetic mastery,


blog author image

Dannica Lowery

Dannica is the Creator of Somævolve®, Somafluent™, and Good Medicine Movement.

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